Selling a vacant home - top tips from a professional

Category Property News

When prospective buyers view a property, there are many factors they take into consideration, with few are as important as whether or not it resonates with them and "feels' like home, but this can be a difficult sentiment to elicit when the home they are viewing is vacant.

"Ultimately, people don't just buy a house, they buy a home and a lifestyle," says Steve Thomas, Secure Estate Specialist for Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty, "and it's therefore essential that when they view a home, they can imagine themselves living in the space.

"However, for most of us it's hard to make that critical emotional connection when the property is empty and devoid of all signs of family life, especially if a few maintenance issues have been neglected as they will be more obvious in the emptiness than in a warm, furnished family home."

That said, there are a few distinct advantages to showing an empty home that sellers should capitalise on whilst taking steps to downplay the fact that the property is uninhabited.

"Vacant homes allow for easy, unhindered access for short-notice viewings and show days, it's easier for a buyer to see the basics of what they are buying, warts and all and also to plan a renovation when all the basic structures are visible."

Fully staging a home would solve the issue, but it's a costly and time-consuming exercise few can afford, and Thomas says that it's unnecessary.

"You don't need a fully furnished home to create some atmosphere and ignite a buyer's imaginations and to show each area's distinct purpose, so homebuyers ponder over what to do with an unconventional space during showings.

"There are smaller, inexpensive staging tricks that will make a home seem more inviting than soulless - you just need to pay attention to detail and add a few props to transform an empty shell into a potential home."

Leave the utilities on - Having lights on, especially in darker areas and rooms, will add warmth to the property and on a practical level, potential buyers will want to check that light switches, taps and fitted appliances are working.

Mind the kerb appeal - It's easy let the lawn and house exterior start to look unkempt if you are not there every day to notice it, but the garden and exterior of your home are the first thing a buyer sees and it's therefore that all-important first impression.

In addition to keeping the lawn mown and shrubs and bushes trimmed, you can also stage the exterior of your home with a few simple upgrades like a fresh coat of paint on the front door, a pot plant or two, a new welcome mat and new house numbers.

Strategically placed rugs - This will help to define spaces and add a splash of colour. Ensure that the size of the rug you put down is proportionate to the size of the space.

Neutral walls - Boldly coloured rooms are off-putting to many people, so a fresh coat of neutral paint will be a lot more inviting and viewers will also be able to imagine their own photos and art on the walls more easily.

Small tables and lamp accessories - These create warmth and help to define a space, show buyers how a room is intended to be used without blowing your budget.

Mirrors - Well-placed mirrors will brighten and lighten a room. When placed strategically, they bounce light, reflecting it around the room and making everything feel that much more open and spacious.

Bling the bathroom - The cold, hard surfaces of a bathroom are softened with a few simple and inexpensive additions like neatly folded fluffy towels, quality hand soap and lotion and a pretty shower curtain.

Kitchen savvy - Arrange a couple of accessories on the kitchen countertop to show off counter space and help the viewer imagine creating family meals in the space. A bowl of fruit will add a touch of colour.

Blooming colourful - A vase or two of fresh, sweetly scented flowers, especially at the entrance, will add colour and make the home seem more inviting.

Ensure all necessary small repairs are completed - Take care of scuffs on walls, replace missing light bulbs and fill wall cracks. Don't allow prospective buyers start wondering what else could be wrong with the property by neglecting to do small, inexpensive repairs.

Take high-quality pictures - When a home is empty you cannot afford to skimp on photo quality to show the property at its absolute best. A listing with high-quality photos will always capture more interest and should lead to more showings.

Thomas cautions sellers to also ensure that they take adequate security precautions, maintain insurance and, if they are unable to regularly check on the property, they should consider using a minding service like Cape Escapers.

"The old adage, 'you only have one chance to make a first impression' certainly applies when selling a home, especially in a tough market where there is a lot of competition, so it definitely pays to make the extra effort.

"It takes a person on average no more than 10 seconds to make up their minds which is not a lot of time to kick-start the imagination when walking into an empty home that too sterile to stimulate real interest."

Author: Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty

Submitted 11 Sep 20 / Views 996